How VoIP Communications Saves You Money
December 15th, 2017 by admin
“Over 85% of businesses said that lowering cost was the most important factor they would consider when contemplating a switch to a VoIP system.” Time is money and in the most successful organizations, savings is the golden word. If you’re not optimizing your business’ efficiency and effectiveness, you’re losing valuable time and other, numerous resources. Leveraging IP communications can save up to 50% by using features such as your internet for long distance calls, automated calls and reduced overhead. Legacy systems are likely leeching from your bottom line while jeopardizing your productivity and customer relationships. Effective communication is the heart of your organization’s success and demands a system with the highest reliability.
Wasted time is wasted money; optimize your communication tools with these 5 ways to save:
1. IP solutions have a more affordable pricing structure than traditional systems
Depending on your organizational structure and communication needs, Unified Communications is likely to save you significant monthly expenses. Reduced installation and maintenance means you pay less for a more a seamless and flexible communication system. Using your network for calls diminishes long distance calling expenses while your call volumes can reach staggering optimization. Even if you’re calling across the world, you can still pay minimal rates by placing the call through Wi-Fi rather than a traditional phone network or relying on cellular roaming. Legacy phone systems kill businesses, both in price and effectiveness. The frustration of unpredictable expenses can end with a smarter phone system.
2. A lower risk of technology failures
“More than half of IT decision makers agree that managing multi-vendor solutions is increasingly costly and challenging.” Unifying your communication tools will bring you a long list of benefits such as savings, flexibility and security. Unification and simplicity are key, especially during technology failures. Every minute your system is down, your entire organization’s productivity suffers. When your employees can’t work, your customers can’t reach you and the overall efficiency is a disaster. If you’re stuck on a traditional PBX, the disconnect will be difficult to pinpoint. On a cloud-based system, you’ll be able to solve a problem faster and be able to fix the issue at a single point.
3. Security is on everyone’s mind
IBM 2015 found that the average cost of a data breach is $3.8 million, up 23% from 2013. The price hits hard for most organizations and if you’re stuck on a legacy system, you may need to assess your risk. A communication system that minimizes threats can save you from a business tragedy and huge expenses. The most up-to-date technology has the best security measures to avoid security crises. This is because the dramatic rise in the adoption of cloud-based communications causes security to remain top-of-mind for cloud-based providers. Meanwhile it’s likely that traditional systems are trailing behind in security measures causing that lack of attention to soon make legacy systems exponentially more vulnerable to threats.
4. Optimize your cash flow by letting your customers reach you fast
73% of business calls go to voicemail. If you’re stuck on a legacy system and missing key calls, you’re probably costing yourself opportunities. Successful organizations are customer-centric and can ensure that availability and loyalty to their customers is their priority. Multi-channel communication not only improves your productivity, but allows customers to trust that they can reach you no matter their preferred channel. You’ll be able to talk to more customers, and achieve more, in less time. You can make stressful situations, like managing fluctuating call volumes, easier with call forwarding while providing optimal customer service. The interactions between your employees and clients defines the effectiveness of your organization. Everyone wins when your communication systems helps your employees optimize their availability.
5. Leverage mobility features
You may be wasting your cash flow on unnecessary office space and equipment for employees who have no real need to commute to an office. A typical business can save $11,000 per person per year when they work from home half of the time. This will even come with reduced overhead, better productivity and happier employees. Remote working is quickly growing as technology makes it easy to work almost anywhere. Your communication tools save your employees the hassle of commuting in replacement of a more flexible work style.
Money matters. In the case of cloud-based communications, your savings will result in vast advancements in your business. As you grow, you’ll easily be able to add additional lines to your system, or even integrate with other cloud-based systems. The savings extend to great lengths and will transform the way you run your organization. During a cloud-based communication implementation, you’ll experience the ability to customize your solution to the size you need, quickly integrate it and see the ROI.
Check out more money saving resources here!
Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools, Managed IT