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Tips & Tricks to Modernize Your Contact Center

October 20th, 2016 by admin

Are you looking to revamp your contact center and deliver better customer experiences? An end-to-end contact center suite offers you the opportunity to do just that. Take a look at some of the ways modern contact center solutions can help improve efficiency...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Unified Communications, Contact Center

What Your ShoreTel Phone System Isn't Telling You

September 15th, 2016 by admin

Throughout my long career selling and supporting ShoreTel phone and UC solutions, I have been surprised how few customers have asked about the reporting capabilities. After all, for most businesses, the phone system is the most frequently used tool they...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

What Does Traffic Have To Do With Business Technology?

September 14th, 2016 by admin

Did you know that the average commuter spends 34 hours a year stuck in traffic? Now, if you live in the Bay Area today, you may want to multiply that number by 12. Growing up in the Bay Area I used to think traffic in LA was horrible, but I have to...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business dashboard tools

XteleSIP: A Real-World Cost Analysis

September 13th, 2016 by admin

I have recently been working with a company here in Utah.  The company is a billing service provider to utility companies.  They have approximately 1,100 employees with a 35 agent call center.  The company spends about $25,500 per month with Century...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

Technology (With a Little Help From Star Trek)

September 13th, 2016 by admin

If you manage a network, or any part of your company’s technology, chances are you wish you could pull some solutions out of the utopia that is Star Fleet.  When a call comes into the help desk, you wish you could ask the ships computer to run a full...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

The Case For SIP Trunks

September 13th, 2016 by admin

The number one attraction to SIP trunks is cheaper dial tone. And cheaper long distance rates – some are bundled with unlimited LD packages! When SIP trunks were first introduced, they had a bad rep because they had big problems with standards. Every...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools

Get the Most from Your Communications in the Cloud

August 15th, 2016 by admin

Take a look at how your employees are working—chances are, a good number of them are mobile, working from anywhere but the office and at times beyond the 9-to-5 workday. But no matter where they are and when they’re working, they need to have the necessary...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications

3 Ways Cloud Communications Can Save Your Company Money

August 14th, 2016 by admin

  These days, companies are demanding more from their technology. At the same time, IT budgets are decreasing, widening the gap between what employees want—and need to be more productive—and what IT can offer. The trick is to find technologies that...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

Cloud Communications as a Service: 'Cloudifying' the PBX

August 11th, 2016 by admin

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="no" equal_height_columns="no" menu_anchor="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" background_color="" background_image="" background_position="center center" background_repeat="no-repeat"...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Cloud Phone Systems

Cloud Phone Systems - 4 Easy Ways SIP Trunking Brings Cloud Benefits to Onsite Phone Systems

August 4th, 2016 by admin

Cost effective, easy to set-up and quick to scale…if you’re already sold on the benefits of cloud communications solutions, but aren’t yet ready to make the big leap, SIP trunking might be just what you’re looking for. SIP trunking is a great way to...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Business dashboard tools, Analytics

Savings & Growth: How 1 Easy Telecom Change Can Drive Both

August 2nd, 2016 by admin

Business demands are constantly changing. Between employee fluctuation and seasonal changes, it’s hard to not overspend on telecom. Analog technology or digital lines require additional wiring and installation if you want to scale and can quickly put...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools

Still Not Doing Anything With the Cloud? Chances Are Your Competitors Are

July 20th, 2016 by admin

So you’re considering making the move, and you know that your competitors may already be ahead of you, but did you know 74% of companies are already evaluating Unified Communications (UC) in the cloud? Additionally 51% of companies plan to increase...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

The High Cost of Not Doing Anything About Your Phone System

July 14th, 2016 by admin

When was the last time you upgraded your phone system? 7 years ago? 10 years ago? Or was it so long ago you’re not quite sure?  Your aging phone system may be costing more than you think. Not only do you have higher resource costs, higher maintenance...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

Is VoIP Quality Reliable?

July 12th, 2016 by admin

Back in the early days of VoIP, call quality was one of the most concerning items for organizations thinking of making the transition. Although these companies wanted to experience all the savings and flexibility of VoIP, some remained hesitant about...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

The Best Apps for Telecom Directors

June 27th, 2016 by admin

In today’s mobile world, it seems telecom directors are rarely at their desks anymore. With access to everything from a laptop, tablet, or smartphone it makes managing systems more mobile and convenient than ever. With this shift to IT and mobility, that...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools

An Office Manager's Guide to Choosing a Business VoIP Phone System

June 27th, 2016 by admin

  Most office managers are hearing a lot these days about Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), it’s a service that allows telephone users to make and receive calls using the Internet instead of conventional phone lines and analog phone systems....

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools

Are You Getting the Most from the Cloud?

June 22nd, 2016 by admin

  Forrester indicates that spending on cloud computing is expected to top $160 billion around the globe by 2020 - a growth rate of 22% per year (Tweet this stat!) - it's no secret that cloud technology is becoming an essential part of modern business....

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools

Top 5 Communication Challenges for Small Business Owners

June 17th, 2016 by admin

While small business owners definitely face a lot of challenges on a daily basis, one that can have a major impact on whether the business is able to thrive or not is communication. Between vendors, employees and customers, great communication can be...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools

Employee Motivation Ideas for the CFO

June 13th, 2016 by admin

Did you know that according to the National Business Research Institute, they estimate that an engaged employee will save their company 5% or more off the costs they’re responsible for? (Tweet this stat!) That kind of savings can add up quickly when...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

Making Connections: Communication Solutions for Office Managers

June 10th, 2016 by admin

According to a recent study, 75% of employers’ rate teamwork and collaboration as very important to their business. (Tweet this stat!) In order to be an effective team member and collaborator, you must be an effective communicator. Yet many office managers...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

Top IT Pains of 2016

June 8th, 2016 by admin

Some are old and some are new, but pain is in the air for most CIOs. Knowing what's hurting your organization can give you a good sense of your organization's overall health. Solve your biggest challenges and your organization should have a bright future....

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

A Hybrid Phone System: Is It The Best of Both Worlds?

June 7th, 2016 by admin

Companies today understand the many benefits of changing over to a Unified Communications (UC) solution, but many are unable to do so because of the one-size-fits-all approach. They need something that’s easy to manage and control but is also cost-efficient...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Unified Communications

Wireless Solutions to Improve Small Business Productivity

June 2nd, 2016 by admin

It's no secret that employees and businesses are expected to be more productive than ever. Smartphones, broadband, and 24-hour connectivity means that everyone is expected to up to speed and on top of things all day, every day. If you're a small business...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Analytics, Security, Contact Center

How to Prepare Your Organization for Natural Disasters

June 1st, 2016 by admin

  How much would you estimate a data center outage to cost an average organization? a. $625 per minute b. $10,300 per minute c. $5,700 per minute d. $8,800 per minute   As of 2016, an average data center outage costs about $8,851 per minute!...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, data networking, Security

Top 4 Most Common IT Issues & How to Solve Them

June 1st, 2016 by admin

Every organization wants better efficiency, but there is no "one size fits all." The strategy and solutions that succeed in bringing your organization to its goals is probably different from the strategy that works for your competitors. Whether you...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Managed IT, Analytics, data networking

5 Innovative Wireless Solutions on the Horizon

May 30th, 2016 by admin

  Finding the right wireless solutions for your business means keeping abreast of the innovations as they come down the pipeline. The speed of technology means that there are new wireless options for virtually every purpose being developed every...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Unified Communications, data networking

Better Time Management Through Technology

May 25th, 2016 by admin

It's easy to let technology hinder your time management with so many distractions at your fingertips. But if you want to make time management and productivity a priority, technology can be a major help as well. From wireless solutions to cutting edge...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Managed IT, Analytics

How the CIO/CFO Relationship Can Work Better

May 20th, 2016 by admin

The continual advancement of technology as an integral part of the majority of businesses has meant an expanded role for CIOs. With that territory has to come a necessarily closer working relationship and shared understanding with the CFO as well. In...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

Tips for Effectively Managing Multiple Office Locations

May 17th, 2016 by admin

According to the 2015 ECP Compensation Study, office managers who are responsible for multiple-location practices are earning, on average, 31.5% more than those managing single offices. The reason for this is likely due to the fact that multiple locations...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

Smart Data Solutions for a Growing Business

May 12th, 2016 by admin

Technology: it’s often seen as both a blessing and a curse for growing businesses today. From all the conveniences of a mobile world to the stresses of trying to keep up with all the system updates and changes, businesses are seemingly always trying...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Unified Communications, Managed IT, data networking

How to Customize ShoreTel Connect CLOUD for Your Small Business

May 3rd, 2016 by admin

Changing phone systems is a big decision for small businesses, so you want to be sure you are making the right decision. Offering full features and a host of collaboration options, ShoreTel Connect CLOUD was built to make doing business easier and at...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

The Future of Email in Business

April 21st, 2016 by admin

If you were to ask most tech-savvy business professionals 10 years ago if email would still be one of the primary business communication solutions, they would have probably said they had their doubts. However, as the years have gone on, email has established...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

Secure Data Solutions: Prepare Your Small Business for a Data Breach

April 12th, 2016 by admin

It seems as if no business is safe from falling victim to a data breach anymore. Target, Apple, Ashley Madison and a host of others have found themselves at the arms of hackers looking to steal, sell and compromise confidential information and data....

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Managed IT, data networking, Security

ShoreTel Connect CLOUD: Taking Your UC to the Cloud

April 5th, 2016 by admin

It seems for most companies today, everything they utilize is hosted somewhere in a cloud instead of a data center or server. You may be wondering why changing over to cloud-based services is so popular? Or, perhaps you like the way your business is...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

Smart Data Solutions That'll Scale as Your Business Grows

March 29th, 2016 by admin

Some small businesses may be content reaching a limited size. But many more see growth as a top priority. If you want your business to grow, you have to have the right infrastructure in place, which includes the right data solutions for storing and accessing...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, data networking, Security, server and storage

Communication for Better Leadership

March 24th, 2016 by admin

  When you meet an exceptional communicator, you usually know it within seconds of talking with that person. They radiate a confidence about their message that typically resonates with you. From the tone they speak with to the body language they...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Contact Center

How the Right Data Solutions Can Keep Employees Motivated

March 16th, 2016 by admin

    Keeping employees motivated during all times of the year but it can be especially challenging in summer months with some team members out on vacation and sunny weather calling to those who are in the office. There are a lot of ways to...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

Fostering Communications Between IT and Non-Tech Employees

March 8th, 2016 by admin

Across all job titles, regions, and industries, the communication happening between IT and their non-IT coworkers is often described as insufficient. And according to a recent Executive Council benchmark survey, only four out of 100 IT leaders believe...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

Top 5 Phrases Not to Use at Work

February 29th, 2016 by admin

Our workplace, it can often be an overwhelming, frustrating and downright maddening place. The reality is that when we spend such a significant part of our lives somewhere, it’s bound to cause a few frustrations. Having work-related irritations is a very...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Video Conferencing, Managed IT, Analytics, data networking, Security, server and storage, Gamification

Understanding Phone System Analytics

February 24th, 2016 by admin

In today’s mobile world, almost every technological purchase a business makes should be supported by data that validates the investment. Phone systems should be no different. And this goes beyond just tracking or reporting inbound and outbound call volume;...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Analytics

Managing Remote Employees

February 18th, 2016 by admin

  Today’s tech-savvy world offers tools and resources to connect virtually at any time or place. Because of this, the opportunities for businesses to attract top talent has never been easier. Now, an employee who you wouldn't have been able to employ...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools, Video Conferencing, Managed IT

Do You Have a Communication Solution in Place for Natural Disasters?

February 18th, 2016 by admin

Putting a natural disaster plan together can be a daunting process - it's time-consuming and daunting. However, anyone who has experienced a crisis like it would probably agree that having a plan in place helps to ensure the least possible negative impact...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

Do You Still Need a Phone on Your Desk?

February 17th, 2016 by admin

  The traditional office is evolving. Teams that were once highly localized now have members around the world. Correspondence that used to go through postal channels or fax machine is now available in the blink of an eye. And then there are phones....

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

5 Ways Employees Can Improve Productivity

February 12th, 2016 by admin

In today’s working world of distractions right at our fingertips, it’s easy to let things hinder time management and productivity efforts. However, technology and other distractions don’t have to hold your employees back. Instead, you can shift these...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools, Video Conferencing, Managed IT, Analytics, Gamification

How to Evaluate VoIP Service Providers

February 10th, 2016 by admin

You’re a small business owner who knows you need to start reaping the benefits that come with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). You also know the old way of analog phone lines and expensive equipment just doesn’t make sense for your business anymore....

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

What the Heck is SIP Trunking Anyways & Why Should I Care?

February 4th, 2016 by admin

When you’re a multi-site organization, struggling to unify your phone communications is normal. SIP trunks can make your phone system more reliable and collaborative through an IP-based network. By 2017, the IHS predicts that 62% of enterprises in North...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools

Telco Truth: BYOD Security IS Possible

February 2nd, 2016 by admin

  Bring Your Own Device or “BYOD” as it is more commonly referred as, means a company allows their employees to use their personal communication devices for work-related activities. It’s a move that not only can cut expenses, but enhances and improves...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools

ShoreTel Connect Advanced Applications: ShoreTel Emergency Notification

January 28th, 2016 by admin

  In today’s world, being prepared for emergencies is more critical than ever. In fact, public safety has become the #1 mission of all education facilities over the past few years due to the horrific tragedies experienced in some schools. It’s not...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Analytics

Could a Business VoIP Solution Save You Money?

January 26th, 2016 by admin

  Any change to your business means assessing the initial cost, the long-term costs, and the potential savings. Your company's phone system is critical to your ability to run your business efficiently - connecting with clients and customers reliably....

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications

5 Ways Video Killed the Radio Star

January 19th, 2016 by admin

"I heard you on the wireless back in fifty two, lying awake intent at tuning in on you." We don’t communicate like in fifty-two, especially when it comes to business interactions. The future is video and the benefits almost speak for themselves. It’s...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools, Video Conferencing, data networking, Security

5 Ways to Save With IP Communications

January 7th, 2016 by admin

“Over 85% of businesses said that lowering cost was the most important factor they would consider when contemplating a switch to a VoIP system." Time is money and in the most successful organizations, savings is the golden word. If you’re not optimizing...

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Posted in: Uncategorized, Business Phone Systems, Cloud Communications, Unified Communications, Business dashboard tools, data networking, Security

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